Saturday, May 18, 2013

Missing the balance and finding one hell of a cool read by Ashley Wilcox

Righto, I have discovered I'm lousy at the balance act of an authors life of late. 
I've been working lots, writing less and reading even lesser.
It's a shame that I like stuff or I wouldn't have a day job.
Stuff is addictive. lol
So today I was up from about 5am after hubby who was out late last night looking for a missing boy in the boy, called me to let me know he was found. I was so happy and elated I couldn't sleep and I have one of those torturing imaginations that start to imagine the what if's with my own children. So out come my escape-my kindle. 
I was gifted WAITING ON FOREVER by Ashley Wilcox and I tell you what, it wasn't long before I was lost in the story and laughing. Yeah this one had me laughing instead of sobbing which is a nice change actually. 
You can find my review on my review blog
It was a nice change to read actually. I truly miss it.
How can an author miss reading? Well how the hell do you think I became an author?!
I would have finished it earlier had I not reminded myself I need to BALANCE it all out. I have to get housework done, dogs, kids and write.
I ended up promising facebook followers I would write today...oh yeah, I had to post on fb too. Balance remember. lol
Now before I get to the writing part of my balancing act of the day I thought I would share my thoughts and woes over my balancing failure as I doubt I'm alone out there...YOU aren't alone out there.
Before I go, I just want to say thank you to Ashely for helping me escape today.
Happy reading, writing, balancing,

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Never Goodbye is nearly here

This baby is close to finishing and then of course will come the edits. Normally I dread that stage-dread being, rather have someone kick me in the boob like some sick ninja- but this project is exciting me so much that I can't wait.

It's up on goodreads so add it to your shelves

So keep your eyes and ears open, release date will be announced shortly.
Happy reading